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Ai 臭氧水生成器
1. 永遠免耗材
2. 使用安心
3. 無二次污染
4. 殺菌力強
5. 安裝簡易
6. 使用方便
7. 不佔空間
8. 經濟性強
9. 省電效率高
10. 品質保證
11. 健康無價

Ai 臭氧水生成器 (Ai OzoneMixer)

   相關資訊 > 負離子的益處


The Benefits of Negative Ions

All about ions
Ions are charged particles in the air that are formed when enough energy acts upon a molecule, such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, water, or nitrogen to eject an electron from the molecule leaving a positively charged ion.

The displaced electron attaches itself to a nearby molecule, which then becomes a negatively charged ion. It is the negative ion of oxygen that affects us the most. Remember that feeling you've experienced near a waterfall or high in the mountains? Those are two places that thousands of negative Ions occur. They create an affect on human biochemistry.

The normal ion count in fresh country air is 2,000 to 4,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter (about the size of a sugar cube). At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, the level is far below 100 per cubic centimeter on the Los Angeles freeways during rush hour.

While ionization of the air is mandatory in many European and Russian hospitals and work places, it has only recently come to light in our country with the growing problem of toxic air in our urban environments.

"Ions and Consciousness.” Whole Self, Spring 1991 



負離子的功用   榮獲中華民國環境健康協會特優獎


Yhletronik 馬來西亞經銷商
Tiger Shopping Network
yahoo 奇摩
Ai 臭氧水生成器
MISAN 33S 負離子空氣清淨機
MISAN 2K05R1 全能保健機
e-Air 離子風
Ozone-Light 臭氧殺菌除臭清淨機
MISAN 9 車用負離子產生器
MISAN 201D9 冰箱除臭保鮮機

公司:   海普電器股份有限公司
電話:   04-8531690, 04-8532690
傳真:   04-8531590
地址:   51542 彰化縣大村鄉大橋村中山路三段156巷20號
電子郵件:   service@hitop.com.tw
網址:   www.hitop.com.tw

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